Tichá Fort

The original name of the fortress or place was Opolec, Old Czech rovinka, the German name Oppolz was created by a corruption into German. The fortress was founded around 1275 by the lords of Velešín and Michalovice on the ancient land route from Upper Austria to the Czech Kingdom. In 1387 it became the property of the Rosenbergs, in 1420 - 1945 it belonged to the French Buquoy family, then to the Czechoslovak Republic. Today it is owned by the Castles on the Malše River Association. In the period 2010 - 2022 the fortress underwent a major restoration, which included the construction of a unique half-timbered floor of a large tower, the only one of its kind in the Czech Republic, the restoration of the cellars, the gate tower and the walls. The tower is the southernmost castle lookout tower in the Czech Republic. The complex includes a museum mapping the history of the site from the Bronze Age to the present day and the U Čápa tavern, named after the important Rožmberk purgrave Čápa of Radonice. The fortress is home to a pair of white storks every year.
From history to the present on a timeline

2nd half of the 13th century

Creation of the fortress in Tichá probably by Jan of Michalovice


The first written mention of the fortress, Beneš and Jan of Velešín ask Peter and Jošt of Rožmberk to take care of their will


The fortress passed into the hands of Oldřich I. and Henry I. of Rožmberk together with the Velešín manor.


Purgrave Ojíř, named in the charter concerning the provision of orphans after the death of Henry of Rožmberk in 1411


Purkrabi Jan of Petrovice, sitting on Tichá, has the village and the fortress in his lease


With intermittent breaks the Governor Stork of Radonice, the coat of arms of a stork pierced with an arrow, undertook a major repair of the fortress


Governor Herzog


Another governor, Jan Sokolík of Dubá, gave the lords a year to provide Ticha with another governor


Jan Sokolík was replaced by Jan Hřebenář of Hřeben (fortress near Velešín), but he did not manage the fortress well, admonished by Petr of Dobrohoště, purgrave of Krumlov


During the Poděbrady Wars the fortress was attacked by the Austrians and destroyed, the village was burnt down.


The fortress is again taken over by the Stork from Radonice as the last mentioned governor


The fortress belonged to the Novohrad estate and is maintained in good condition.


As a post-Whitehorse confiscation it fell to Charles Bonavetur Buquoy


Repair of the pond at the fortress, whose dykes were probably dug up by the Estates army, dendrochronological dating of the outlet and pivot


Fortress fire


Fortress fire


The fortress was converted into a brewery by Jan Buquoy

19. století

The fortress in its form disappeared, but the fortress was still built up with buildings that used the original construction of the fortress


Forfeiture of the Buquoy property to the Czechoslovakia


Fort Tichá and its surroundings are used by the newly established Pastoral Cooperative for cattle breeding

from 1950

As part of the construction of the border zone, the systematic destruction of the settlement in Tichá and its surroundings begins, the buildings on the fortress are partially demolished, a fence is installed at a distance of about 100 metres from the fortress tower


Attempted demolition of the fortress tower by the Border Guards using explosives, construction of the State Farm workshop buildings in the foreground of the fortress

after 1989

The fortress in Tichá belongs to the village of Dolní Dvořiště

after 1995

The municipality sells the remains of the fortress to Richard Klinder and Martin Horky, the dilapidation continues

after 2008

The fortress and the surrounding land is being purchased by the Hrady na Malši association and the municipality of D. Dvořiště

Opening Hours
AprilSAT, SUN10 - 18
MaySAT, SUN10 - 18
JuneSAT, SUN10 - 18
JulyTUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT, SUN10 - 18
AugustTUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT, SUN10 - 18
SeptemberSAT, SUN10 - 17
OctoberSAT, SUN10 - 17
national holidays10 - 18
Ticket price
CategoryPrice (CZK)
Normal ticket120
Children 6-15 y/o80
Children under 6Free